On May 24, the AMH Board of Trustees recognized Eagle Scout Paul Conaway for completing his service project.
John Miller, chairman of the board of trustees, presented Conaway with an American flag that had flown over the U.S. Capitol and framed in a ceremonial display case donated by SpartaCraft. Conaway's project was to erect a 35 foot flag pole at AMH, landscape around the base ad provide lighting so the flag can be flown 24 hours a day. Conaway presented and had the project approved with AMH chief executive officer Jim Yarborough and H.V. Lindsey, AMH trustee. Yarbourgh stated, "The project was approved based on the benefit that it provides to the hospitals appearance, the hospitals staff and citizens of our communities who have need to visit our hospital." The project consisted of 200 plus hours of volunteer timeand involved 20 boy scouts, scout leader Lonnie Dalton and friends. Materials to complete the project were provided by Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation, Wautauga Ready Mix, Sparta Industries and Alleghany Memorial Hospital.